Before getting into know about building an eCommerce shopping cart with Nodejs. First, let’s learn the basics of Nodejs and its features.
Nodejs is open-source and mostly used for building a real-time application on the server-side with the assist of a runtime JavaScript platform. It maintains only V8 Google Chrome Engine and a high-performance application environment.
Essential things for Building API for shopping cart:
- Linux System / Ubuntu server for Redis installation
- Nodejs installed
- JavaScript knowledge
- Postman
Ecommerce Shopping Cart with Nodejs
Let’s dig deeper into the eCommerce shopping cart creation. Here, the Redis Shopping Cart using node and Redis.
What is Redis?
Redis is a key-value database server to the data store that can help many goals that differ from a simple database cache to a message stockbroker.
Ecommerce is the most popular one that someone will begin adding items to a basket, then move and come back later. Everyone can purchase anywhere using the eCommerce website. It can save time and effort.
E-commerce with Nodejs to offer us a shopping API. This API could be applied whenever a user needs to add an item to a basket. We can collect the ID in a cookie format and extract the data when the same user again comes back.
Steps involved in building a shopping Cart With Nodejs
Step 1:
We need to install the node packages for Redis, express, and body-parser. We can exploit the following comment for the package adding the section.
Step 2:
Adding portable and Installing the ExpressJS 4 Snippets add-on in VS Code to instantly build a file called index.js and start typing es4-HelloWorld-example and hit enter.
The next step is creating endpoints.
Step 3:
Then, create a connection file that permits us to connect to Redis. Following this, we can build a new file called Connection.js, add a module. Exports statement.
Step 4:
From the following function line, we can build and connect the new client situation.
If you are using Redis on a server, the listed things not in default
redis.createClient(redis_url[, options])
redis.createClient(port[, host][, options]
Step 5:
To build a connection with the Redis server and test it. Firstly, import it using the below line and import Redis package as well.
Then write the following code to the ‘/basket/getBasket’ endpoint.
Step 6:
Run the code; you can get the following results
After writing out the above code, open the postman and create a post request.
Contact us if you want to build an ecommerce shopping cart solution with Nodejs.
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